(909) 990-1170 kory@korylaw.com

Domestic Violence Attorney

Hire A Domestic Violence Attorney

Domestic Violence Attorney Orange county, riverside, san bernardino, inland empireDomestic violence charges are almost never dropped and there are cases in which an accuser may decide that they wish to drop charges against the accused. Once the police report is generated, it is the sole discretion of the District Attorney’s office  as to whether the case will be charged or dropped.

Being charged with domestic violence is a very serious issue. We know it can be scary and embarrassing for you, your family and children, and your employment. The law is established to be hard on those convicted of domestic violence and you need the right lawyer on your side.

Domestic Violence Convictions:

  • Misdemeanor Domestic Violence Charge – could result in being sentenced to up to one year in jail, as well as paying various fines, and completing domestic violence classes
  • Felony Domestic Violence Charge – can result in extensive fines and up to 4 years or more in prison, depending on the circumstances of the case and a person’s criminal history

Even if the accuser is uncooperative, a prosecutor can still prosecute the case. It is not uncommon for an accuser to change his or her mind or change his or her original statements to the police. Consequently, prosecutors do not routinely dismiss cases where this occurs because it is a common dynamic in domestic violence cases.  Call us to discuss this issue in more detail.

Domestic Violence False Allegations

In many domestic violence instances the accused can actually be the victim. False allegations can be a common occurrence and a simple argument can spiral out of control. There are times where a romantic partner makes a call to the police accusing their partner with domestic violence out of jealousy or rage. Sometimes this is used to get an edge in a family law case.

Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) conducted a nationwide survey regarding false allegations of domestic violence back in 2011. Amazingly the results showed:

  • 1 in 10 respondents stated that they have been falsely accused of domestic violence
  • 1 in 6 said that they knew someone who had been falsely accused
  • More than 25% of those falsely accused were involved in a child custody battle

With the help of an expert domestic violence attorney you can have confidence knowing that your case will have the best possible defense.

FREE Consultation
