(909) 990-1170 kory@korylaw.com

Drug Crime Attorney

Arrested For Drugs and Narcotics?

Drug and narcotics charges range from simple possession of a controlled substance, to possession with the intent to sell, and/or to manufacturing of controlled substances, among other potential charges. If you have been charged with a drug or narcotics crime, there may be ways to keep the charges off your record and keep you out of jail. We have been able to get our clients outcomes such as:

  • Reduced an intent to sell charge to a possession only charge
  • Drug diversion programs or substance abuse treatment only
  • Dismissal of the charges
  • Prevented incarceration

drug posession attorney inland empire, san bernardino, riverside, southern californiaIf you face more serious charges that cannot be reduced, such as possession with intent to sell or manufacturing of a controlled substance, prison time could result. Depending on the facts of  your case we will customize your defense. You need a skilled attorney to analyze the facts and laws around your case. Drug possession attorney Kory Mathewson has over 20 years of experience and will completely analyze your case to determine your best defense.

Being Convicted of a Drug Crime can Result in Serious Consequences Including Incarceration! If you have been arrested or charged you with drug/narcotics crime, immediately exercise your Fifth Amendment Miranda Rights and Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel by remaining silent, do not communicate with the police, and call the us as soon as possible.

If you have been arrested or charged you with drug/narcotics crime, immediately exercise your Fifth Amendment Miranda Rights and Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel by remaining silent, do not communicate with the police, and call the us as soon as possible.

Drug Possession

Federal and state drug possession laws make it a crime to willfully possess illegal controlled substances such as:

  • Marijuana
  • Methamphetamine
  • Cocaine
  • LSD
  • Prescription Medication (not in your name
  • Heroin

They also criminalize the possession of “precursor” chemicals used in drug cultivation and manufacturing and certain accessories related to the use of drugs. Drug possession laws vary according to drug type, amount, and geographic area of the offense. If you are in possession of small quantities it may be deemed a “simple” possession, while if you are in possession of large amounts you may be charged with “presumed” possession with an intent to distribute which is a much more serious crime.

Drug Distribution/Trafficking

Drug distribution and trafficking laws penalize the:

  • Selling
  • Transportation
  • Illegal importing into the United States

Unlawfully controlled substances such as marijuana, methamphetamine, cocaine, LSD, and heroin that are sold, transported, or imported have drug distribution and trafficking laws and punishments that vary according to:

  • Drug type
  • Amount
  • Geographic Area of Distribution
  • If Minors Were Targeted or Sold To

Drug distribution and trafficking laws can range from implicating an individual or a ring of people who are involded in the illegal drug activity.

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